5 Ways To Make CGI’s Work Harder For Your Business

Along with showcasing CGI’s to your client and wowing them, you can of course use them in other ways in your content strategy, here are a few ideas:

1. Update your website and social media with your CGI’s!

An obvious one, but you’ll be amazed how many designers do not update their website! Blog about your concept designs including your CGI’s; share the process from start to finish and of course share on social media. It all helps with your SEO and keeps your website fresh which is essential when promoting your services.

2. Give pro tips using the images

To help show your expertise, rather then selecting images from Pinterest or stock images, use your photos and interior CGI’s to point out areas of interest; why you selected certain items, expertise on lighting, or chosen paint colours. You can also use them to point out design forecasting and trends. By using your own images, it will show your potential clients that you know exactly what you are talking about and gives them confidence to invest in you.

3. Visual shopping list

CGI’s are a brilliant way to show exactly what your clients space will look like which will include furniture, lighting, fixtures and fittings from current brands items on the market. All of which is very useful for the client, but can of course be another way to show your audience where to purchase these items too. And, if you are an affiliate of the brand you can also make a bob or two out of it – just make sure your audience know this!

4. Advertising with CGI’s

Stop with the famine and feast merry-go-round, and start promoting your CGI’s on social media. particularly if you want to attract your ideal clients and the project isn’t finished. Boosting a post with your ideal client in mind can really help generate leads. Don’t forget you can also use then for advertisement in magazines or online blogs! This leads me on to my next point…

5. PR

Reach out to magazines, journalists and online blogs and get yourself out there. You can use CGI’s even if the project only went to concept stage. Journalists are always looking for new stories and people to write about and you will be amazed how many images out there are actually CGI’s. Check out this article on Dezeen as an example (disclaimer- not my work/CGI’s!).


Completed Project: Chelsea Apartment


What is an Interior Render?